How to Choose the Topic
Our suggestions
We regularly analyze the demand on popular topics in different cities around the world and share it with you. We are confident in the popularity of these tour topics, so we highly recommend you to check out the tour ideas, pick the ones you’re an expert in, and create tours with proven demand.

After choosing one of our tour ideas please write an email to with the chosen topic.

Market analysis
Study the most popular marketplaces selling tours (Viator, GetYourGuide, etc.) and identify the tours with the most reviews. Look through the reviews themselves to understand what tourists like and don’t like about the tours to avoid mistakes while creating a tour of your own.
Indicate for yourself those topics that you are an expert in and check their popularity on these sites. For example, if you want to create a tour in London and you are deciding between Jack the Ripper, Harry Potter, Gangster London, and Windsor Castle tours.
According to the number of reviews, the Harry Potter and Windsor Castle tours are among the most popular ones. Jack the Ripper is also in demand. However, Gangster London is the least popular option and probably won’t be selling as well as the other three.
Based on the results of the analytics, your first option should be either the Harry Potter or Windsor Castle tour. To avoid creating the same tours that are already published on WeGoTrip, check on our website if there are any similar tours and what locations they include. You can do a tour on the same topic but in a different area. In the case of a museum tour – on a different topic in the same museum.

If you are hesitating about the tour topic, write to us at We will help you decide.