Tour Testing
How to choose a tester
There are two types of tour testing:
with the help of other people

In the first case, technical errors and flaws in the tour design can be revealed, in the second helps assess the content of the tour.

To achieve the best effect and get good quality objective feedback, it’s better to look for testers among people you don’t know well.
How to test tours (check-list)

When testing, take a critical look at the tour and check if the following criteria are met


The introduction provides an understanding of what the tour is about and what is the route.
Directions on how to get to the starting point of the tour are provided.


The story contains little-known stories and facts that are not easy to find online, making the tour unique and non-standard.
All information provided in the tour is up-to-date (addresses, opening hours, cost of entrance tickets, etc.).


During the tour and/or in the conclusion, detailed recommendations of various places to visit are provided.


The conclusion is logical and includes options for what to do after the tour.


It is easy and understandable to find the way using the directions on the tour.


Comfortable route distance and duration.
The route is logical, the locations are evenly distributed.
All locations have proper access.

Audio Guide

The audio guide is comfortable to listen to, the volume is suitable for listening outside / inside, there is no background noise in the recordings.
The information in steps is understandable and easy to listen to.


Photos help to find the correct way, show the details that are described.


Quizzes (if there are any) are aimed at area exploration, they are consistent with the story and are not aimed at checking the knowledge of tourists.

App Operation

All steps are opened on time, no need in switching to them manually or going back to the previous step because of an early switch to the next step.
Record your comments immediately while testing the tour – in notes or a voice message for yourself. This will help you remember all the issues when compiling detailed feedback.