Quizzes in Tours
Quizzes make tours more interactive.
We recommend to use quizzes in quest-tours or tours for children. In standard tours, it’s better not to add them.
Rules for adding quizzes in tours
The question should be aimed at exploring the area and shouldn’t be checking the knowledge of the traveler.
It is recommended to add multiple-choice questions.
When adding an open-ended question, make sure the answer is unambiguous and doesn't have multiple spellings.
How to add a quiz

Multiple choice question

  1. Add a question in the text of the tour
  2. Select a quiz when editing the tour step in which the question is asked
  3. Select the question type: Multiple choice question
  4. Enter at least three answer options
  5. Check the correct answer

Open-ended question

  1. Add a question in the text of the tour
  2. Select a quiz when editing the tour step in which the question is asked
  3. Select the type of question: Open-ended question
  4. Enter all possible spelling options for the answer, separating them by pressing the Enter key